The Ballad of Father GillianBy / February 3, 2025 The Ballad of Father Gilligan 1 / 30 Father Gilligan's weariness primarily stems from: Old age Illness Overwork and grief Lack of sleep 2 / 30 What is God described as wearing? No robes White robes Purple robes Golden robes 3 / 30 What does Father Gilligan do when he hears this? Weeps Kneels Runs away Argues 4 / 30 Why is Father Gilligan weary? He is old. He has traveled far. He is ill His flock is dying 5 / 30 What does Father Gilligan do after his lament? Kneels and prays, then falls asleep Sends for a doctor Prepares for a long journey Goes to the sick man immediately 6 / 30 What does Father Gilligan say God cares for? The least of things Only those who pray The rich and powerful Only the righteous 7 / 30 What is the central theme of the poem? The fear of death The importance of sleep God's compassion and mercy The duties of a priest 8 / 30 What happens while Father Gilligan sleeps? The sick man recovers A storm rages. The moth-hour passes, and stars appear. His horse runs away. 9 / 30 What does Father Gilligan lament? His loneliness His lack of faith The constant deaths in his parish His poverty 10 / 30 Father Gilligan's ride to the sick man's house is described as: Careless Leisurely Relaxed Urgent and fast 11 / 30 What does Father Gilligan say that he later regrets? "I need a vacation." "God help me." "I am tired." "My body spake, not I!" 12 / 30 How does the sick man's wife describe the man's death? Merry Sad Painful Peaceful 13 / 30 What does "Mavrone" mean? Goodbye Thank you Hello Alas/Woe is me 14 / 30 The use of "purple robes" to describe God suggests: Royalty Humility Majesty and power Sorrow 15 / 30 Who does Father Gilligan believe helped him? An angel The sick man's wife His horse The doctor 16 / 30 What time of day is it when another man sends for Father Gilligan? Noon Morning Evening Night 17 / 30 What is the tone of the poem? Reverent and humble Joyful Angry Sad 18 / 30 What is the setting of the poem? A rural parish A castle A large city A monastery 19 / 30 How does Father Gilligan travel to the sick man's house? By boat By foot On horseback By carriage 20 / 30 The sick man's cheerful death suggests: He was not truly ill He was delirious The wife was mistaken He found peace before passing 21 / 30 The poem uses which literary device extensively? Metaphor Personification Simile Alliteration 22 / 30 What is Father Gilligan's emotional state at the beginning of the poem? Angry Joyful Weary Content 23 / 30 The poem is a: Limerick Sonnet Haiku Ballad 24 / 30 The poem's message can be interpreted as: Humans are insignificant. Divine help is available even in small things. Death is the end of everything. Priests have an easy life 25 / 30 What does the "moth-hour" symbolize? Midnight Twilight Dawn Midday 26 / 30 Who does Father Gilligan say sent the angel? Mary God The Holy Spirit Jesus 27 / 30 What does the sick man's wife tell Father Gilligan? Her husband is recovering. Her husband is sleeping. Her husband is asking for him. Her husband died an hour ago. 28 / 30 What does Father Gilligan say when he wakes up? "It is time to go." "Thank God, I feel rested." "I must hurry "Mavrone, mavrone! the man has died." 29 / 30 What is Father Gilligan's primary occupation? Priest Farmer Teacher Doctor 30 / 30 The poem emphasizes the idea that: Death is always sad God understands human frailty Priests should not sleep Angels only help important people Your score isThe average score is 63% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz