The Ballad of Father Gillian

The Ballad of Father Gilligan

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Father Gilligan's weariness primarily stems from:

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What is God described as wearing?

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What does Father Gilligan do when he hears this?

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Why is Father Gilligan weary?

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What does Father Gilligan do after his lament?

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What does Father Gilligan say God cares for?

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What is the central theme of the poem?

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What happens while Father Gilligan sleeps?

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What does Father Gilligan lament?

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Father Gilligan's ride to the sick man's house is described as:

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What does Father Gilligan say that he later regrets?

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How does the sick man's wife describe the man's death?

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What does "Mavrone" mean?

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The use of "purple robes" to describe God suggests:

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Who does Father Gilligan believe helped him?

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What time of day is it when another man sends for Father Gilligan?

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What is the tone of the poem?

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What is the setting of the poem?

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How does Father Gilligan travel to the sick man's house?

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The sick man's cheerful death suggests:

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The poem uses which literary device extensively?

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What is Father Gilligan's emotional state at the beginning of the poem?

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The poem is a:

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The poem's message can be interpreted as:

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What does the "moth-hour" symbolize?

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Who does Father Gilligan say sent the angel?

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What does the sick man's wife tell Father Gilligan?

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What does Father Gilligan say when he wakes up?

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What is Father Gilligan's primary occupation?

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The poem emphasizes the idea that:

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